Mr. Gasket All Spark Plug Wire Loom Kit User Manual
Mr. Gasket For the car

Installation Instructions for Spark Plug Wire Loom Kits
1. Before using your Mr Gasket Spark Plug Wire Loom Kit, please be sure that your wires are long enough and
in good working condition.
2. Your Wire Loom Kit has a left and a right side that will vary from car to car based on where your distributor
is on the motor.
3. Attach mounting brackets to the wire looms and tighten lightly, leaving some room for adjustment.
4. Remove the two Lower Valve Cover Bolts and attach the Wire Loom Brackets.
5. Put the Lower Valve Cover Bolts back on and tighten.
6. Open the Wire Looms and gently lay your spark plug wires into the loom. Be sure to put the longest wire on
top and work your way down accordingly by length.
7. Set Wire Loom top onto the lower panel and press down on it adjusting your spark plug wires as needed until
they fit into the grooves.
8. Insert Hex Head Screws back into the loom panel on top and begin to thread it into the bottom loom panel.
9. Re-check the spark plug wires to assure that they do not get pinched in between the loom panels. Tighten
hex head screws until snug.
10. Once you have the wires tightened in the loom panels, move the complete looms until they are in the desired
positions. Once they are in the position that you would like to have them in and they are not making contact
with exhaust, tighten the bracket screws underneath the lower loom panels.
NOTE: It is recommended that you work on a car that has had adequate time to cool and that is not running.
Mr. Gasket Co. • Cleveland, OH
INST 97140076
Wire Loom Instructions 8/19/03 11:18 AM Page 1