Operation – Lincoln Electric IM10046 VRTEX 360 User Manual
Page 53

The gas selection for the aluminum welding process is
100% Argon. To select this gas use the joystick up
motion to highlight 100% Argon and press the red
“Select” button. The next step is to set the gas flow
rate. Refer to the WPS to see the recommended flow
rate for the weld joint chosen. Continue normal set up.
Gas Selection Screen
NOTE: Not all joints or material thicknesses have
aluminum simulation capabilities. Please see the
WPS book for this information.
Aluminum Theory:
The theory is located inside the existing Theory appli-
cation. To access the aluminum Theory on any
screen, press the yellow “Theory” button located on
the colored button bar. Pressing this button will cause
the “Theory” menu to pop up. Use the joystick up and
down motion to toggle through the different terms and
definitions on each screen.
New Aluminum Theory
The Video Replay feature in your VRTEX 360 pro-
vides the ability to view your virtual weld video once
you have completed it. This feature offers students
and instructors the ability to refine skills by replaying
the weld performed from the different viewing angles
and discussing technique.
Replaying Welds:
Upon completion of a weld, press the green “End
Pass” button located on the colored button bar. Once
the weld has been scored, press the red “Menu” but-
ton located on the colored button bar. Use the joystick
up motion to highlight “Replay Mode” and the red
“Select” button, to activate the mode. This will take the
user directly into the replay of the weld. The user can
then toggle between the welders view, the instructorʼs
cam and the LASER screen during replay using the
white “Prev” and “Next” buttons located on the colored
menu button bar. The user can pause the weld during
replay by pressing the green “Pause” button located
on the colored button bar. The user can replay the
weld as many times as needed by pressing the
orange “Reset” button located on the colored button
bar. Pausing the video allows the user and instructor
to view the angles and motions from many different
vantage points. This allows the user to see the view of
the instructor during the weld. It also allows the user
to see what negative actions caused the negative
Replay Mode Selection
To exit the “Video Replay” mode press the red “Menu”
button on the colored button bar then “Exit Weld
Replay.” Use the joystick left and right motion to high-
light “Yes” and press the red “Select” button.