Operation – Lincoln Electric IM10046 VRTEX 360 User Manual
Page 31

The Arc Length cue is similar to the CTWD cue but
represents arc length distance for the VR SMAW
process. The goal is to get the tip of the arrow on the
line and keep the arrow color Green.
The Travel/Work Angle cue can be used with the
SMAW, GMAW or FCAW processes. The goal of this
cue is to center the circle in the cross hair and keep
the color green.
The Aim cue can be used with the VR SMAW, VR
GMAW or VR FCAW processes. The goal of this cue
is to position the VR GMAW/FCAW Gun or VR SMAW
device so the aim cue is a thin green line. This indicat-
ed that the weld is being made in the correct location
or position.
The Whip cue can be used with the E6010 VR SMAW
process. This cue helps the student use correct spac-
ing between whipping motions, puddle time and whip
time. Correct whipping technique is indicated by a
green outter ring (spacing) with a green center (puddle
and whip timing).
The Weave cue can be used with the VR SMAW, VR
GMAW or VR FCAW processes but is only available if
the technique identified in the Tolerance Editor is a
type of weave. The goal of this cue is to space the
weave so the outter ring is green (good weave spac-
ing), set the width of the weave so line is green (good
weave width) and a green filled ring (good dwell time
on the toes of the previous weld).