Operation, Tolerances keyboard screen – Lincoln Electric IM10046 VRTEX 360 User Manual
Page 39

Choose Tolerance Set-up
This displays the list of all tolerance settings currently
stored on the unit. All units ship with default settings.
If the user creates multiple tolerance files, the file in
use is selected by pressing the red button. This
affects the visual cues, graphs, discontinuities and
score. The current tolerance settings in use are also
listed on this screen.
Choose Tolerance to Load
This displays the list of all tolerance sets currently
stored on the USB device. Files can be transferred to
and from a VRTEX
360 with a USB memory device.
Pressing back returns the system to the login screen.
This menu button affects the file currently being
shown in the choose tolerance setup window. This
menu has the following options:
• Create New
• Save to File
• Copy
• Delete
• Rename
Pressing Create New creates a new file on the unit.
The file starts with the default settings. Pressing this
button takes the user to a keyboard screen so that a
new file name can be entered.
Pressing Save to File saves the current file to a USB
memory device if USB is inserted in the front of the
Pressing Copy makes a copy of the file currently
being shown on the choose tolerance setup window.
The copy is identified with the same name plus an
incremented number after it.
Pressing Delete brings up an “are you sure” dialogue.
Selecting yes deletes the file currently shown. The
user can cancel out by pressing no or pressing the
back button.
Pressing Rename brings the user to a keyboard
screen where the name of the current file can be
USB Edit
This menu relates only to the files on the USB memo-
ry device. If there is a file name currently listed in the
choose tolerance to load box, pressing the options on
the menu will take action on that file. This menu has
the following options:
• Copy to List
• Delete
• Rename
• Load from USB
Pressing Copy to List copies the file currently being
shown on the choose tolerance to load box and saves
it to the VRTEX
Pressing Delete brings up an “are you sure” dialogue.
Selecting yes deletes the file currently being shown on
the choose tolerance to load. This deletes the file
from the USB memory device. The user can also can-
cel out by pressing no or pressing the back button.
Pressing Rename brings the user to a keyboard
screen where the name of the current file can be
Pressing Load loads the names of the files currently
on the USB memory device. The names show up in
the choose tolerance to load box. The user will need
to select this in order to see what is on their USB
memory device.
Tolerances Keyboard Screen
Allows the user to name or rename tolerance files.