5 front panel, Ront, Anel – IEI Integration TANK-600-D2550_N2600 User Manual

Page 16: Figure 1-2: tank-600 front panel, Table 1-2: technical specifications

background image

TANK-600 Em b e d d e d S ys te m

P a g e 5

S p e c ific a tio n s

Op e ra tin g Te m p e ra tu re

-20°C ~ 70°C with air flow

Op e ra tin g S h o c k

Half-sine wave shock 5G, 11ms, 3 shocks per axis

Op e ra tin g Vib ra tio n

MIL-STD-810F 514.5C-2 (with SSD)

We ig h t (Ne t/Gro s s )

2.2 Kg / 3 Kg

S a fe ty/EMC



S u p p o rte d OS

Microsoft® WES7E, Microsoft® Windows® XP Embedded

Table 1-2: Technical Specifications

1.5 Fro n t P a n e l

The front panel of the TANK-600 has the following features (Figure 1-2):

Figure 1-2: TANK-600 Front Panel

Connectors and buttons on the front panel include the following:

 1 x HDD LED

 2 x LAN ports by RJ-45

 1 x Line-out port (green)

 1 x Mic-in port (pink)

 1 x Power button

 1 x Power LED

 2 x RS-232 serial ports by DB-9