6 external peripheral interface connection, 1 audio connection, Xternal – IEI Integration IMB-C2160 User Manual

Page 77: Eripheral, Nterface, Onnection, Figure 4-13: sata power drive connection

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IMB-C2160 Mic ro -ATX Mo th e rb o a rd

P a g e 62

Figure 4-13: SATA Power Drive Connection

The SATA power cable can be bought from IEI. See Optional Items in Section 2.4.

4.6 Exte rn a l P e rip h e ra l In te rfa c e Co n n e c tio n

This section describes connecting devices to the external connectors on the IMB-C2160.

4.6.1 Au d io Co n n e c tio n

The audio jacks on the external audio connector enable the IMB-C2160 to be connected

to a stereo sound setup. Each jack supports both input and output. When connecting a

device, the High Definition Audio utility will automatically detect input or output. The light

blue (top) audio jack does not support input from a microphone. To install the audio

devices, follow the steps below.

S te p 1:

Identify the audio plugs. The plugs on your home theater system or speakers

may not match the colors on the rear panel.

S te p 2:

Plug the audio plugs into the audio jacks. Plug the audio plugs into the audio

jacks. If the plugs on your speakers are different, an adapter will need to be used

to plug them into the audio jacks.