1 available software drivers, 2 software installation, Vailable – IEI Integration IMB-C2160 User Manual
Page 127: Oftware, Rivers, Nstallation, 1 ava ila b le s o ftwa re drive rs, 2 s o ftwa re in s ta lla tio n
IMB-C2160 Mic ro -ATX Mo th e rb o a rd
P a g e 112
6.1 Ava ila b le S o ftwa re Drive rs
The content of the CD may vary throughout the life cycle of the product
and is subject to change without prior notice. Visit the IEI website or
contact technical support for the latest updates.
The following drivers can be installed on the system:
SATA (Intel® Rapid Storage Technology)
USB 3.0
Intel® AMT
Installation instructions are given below.
6.2 S o ftwa re In s ta lla tio n
All the drivers for the IMB-C2160 are on the CD that came with the system. To install the
drivers, please follow the steps below.
S te p 1:
Insert the CD into a CD drive connected to the system.
If the installation program doesn't start automatically:
Click "Start->My Computer->CD Drive->autorun.exe"
S te p 2:
The driver main menu appears (Figure 6-1).