2 internal peripheral connectors, 1 atx power control connector, Nternal – IEI Integration PCISA-945GSE v1.01 User Manual

Page 53: Eripheral, Onnectors, Table 4-2 lists the rear panel connec

2 internal peripheral connectors, 1 atx power control connector, Nternal | Eripheral, Onnectors, Table 4-2 lists the rear panel connec | IEI Integration PCISA-945GSE v1.01 User Manual | Page 53 / 207 2 internal peripheral connectors, 1 atx power control connector, Nternal | Eripheral, Onnectors, Table 4-2 lists the rear panel connec | IEI Integration PCISA-945GSE v1.01 User Manual | Page 53 / 207