S.a.t, Sensitivity probe, Sat -5 – White’s Electronics Spectra VX3 User Manual
Page 68: Sensitivity probe -5, Spectra vx
Page 6-5
Spectra VX
User’s Guide
SAT stands for self-adjusting threshold and is a property of
the all-metal channel. In normal all-metal mode, the SAT con-
tinuously works to return the all-metal signal to a threshold
point, even in the presence of ground or target signals. There-
fore, when the loop is held steady over a target, the target
response will eventually fade away. This helps produce a more
stable all-metal audio as ground conditions vary.
A faster SAT (higher number) results in a quicker return to
threshold, which can give targets a sharper all-metal response.
Like a fast recovery delay, a drawback to fast SAT is that deep
targets can vanish.
SAT is not applied to the Pinpoint all-metal mode. It is only
noticeable in an all-metal program (like Prospecting) or a
mixed-mode program.
Sensitivity Probe
If you select Sensitivity from the Live Control Bar and press
, you will see the Sensitivity menu:
On the right side of the screen are two live “signal quality”
numbers. The “Signal” number tells you what percent of the
total signal range is currently being received; that is, how much