Proper use – Vestil LAD-RF User Manual
Page 14

Store the 3/4in bolts and corresponding lock nuts someplace where you will be able to find
them when the ladder is needed again. You should store the ladder in a covered location, where the ladder
will not be exposed to rain, snow, corrosive liquids, extreme heat, and other potentially damaging
moisture/environmental conditions, which could damage the ladder.
To return the ladder to a usable state:
1. Roll the ladder out of storage to a location where a sturdy wall at least 8ft tall is available.
You will also need 30ft. of clear floor space in front of the wall (see diagram at bottom of
p. 7) and the ceiling should be at least 16ft tall.
2. Turn the ladder on its side (photo 8 on this page). Extend the back legs until both wheels
contact the wall.
3. Turn the ladder so that the steps are face up.
4. Remove the self-fastening straps. Store the straps in a location where you will be able to
find them when needed again.
5. Raise the ladder according to Instruction 10 on p. 12-13.
Check all nuts and bolts for tight connections.
Proper Use:
Review the safety guidelines on p. 5 before each use.
See 29 CFR
1910.26(c)(3)(viii) and 1910.333(c) for OSHA-recommended work practices to be used when work
is performed on or near electric circuits.
• To avoid electrocution, DO NOT contact electric wires with the ladder. The ladder is
made of steel, which is an excellent conductor of electricity.
• DO NOT use the ladder beneath or in the vicinity of electric wires. If your body
accidentally contacts the wires, electrocution could result.
To avoid the potential for serious personal injury, always adhere to the following
• Ladders should not be used as a brace, skid, guy or gin pole, gangway, or for any other
unintended uses.
• Remove foreign material, such as mud or grease from the bottom of your shoes before
ascending the ladder.
• Always use the handrails while ascending or descending the ladder.
• Do not attempt to move the ladder, which requires lifting, if you are under any weight-lifting
The step slope is 58 degrees for all MM and RF mobile ladder stands except the
RF-EZ variant. Current regulatory standards recommend that persons face the steps while
ascending and descending the steps. This means that to descend the ladder you should back
down the steps, holding the handrails.
RF-EZ model ladder stands have a 50 degree step slope angle. Owners/users of RF-EZ model
ladder stands may walk forwards instead of facing the steps to descend the ladder. See ANSI
A14.7-2006, Section 6.10, p. 12.
Self-fastening strap
9. Turn the ladder over onto the
wheels. Roll the ladder to the
intended storage location.
8. Turn the ladder on its
side, and fold the back legs
to the steps.
7. Wrap the self-fastening
straps around the brace and
back leg on both sides.