1 introduction, Introduction – Teledyne LeCroy Protocol PCI Express Script Automation Test Tool User Manual

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Teledyne LeCroy

PCI Express Script Automation Test Tool User Manual


1 Introduction

This document describes operation of the Teledyne LeCroy PCI Express™ Script Automation Test Tool. The
software includes tests for the Link Layer and Transaction Layer built to the guidelines defined by the PCI Special
Interest Group (PCI SIG) specifications. The PCI Express Script Automation Test Tool operates on the
PETracer/Trainer ML™, PETracer/Trainer EML™ and PETracer/Trainer Summit™ Z2-16/T2-16 platforms at x1,
x2, x4, x8, and x16 lane widths. The PETracer™ Edge analyzer is also supported in combination with ML or EML
Trainer. The Teledyne LeCroy PCI Express Script Automation Test Tool supports Endpoint testing and Root
Complex testing (and optionally supports Switch Downstream Port testing).

For both Endpoint Device and Root Complex testing, you must install PETracer/Trainer software on the PC running
the Script Automation Test Tool software and attach the PETracer/Trainer hardware to the USB ports on the PC.
The PC must have the Microsoft




XP or Windows Server™ 2003 operating system (OS), or one of the

common Linux distributions (refer to the Linux driver installation instructions).

Note: You must do the following before using a network (Ethernet) attached Summit T2-16 Tracer and/or
Summit Z2-16 Trainer with the Script Automation Test Tool. Run the PETracer/Trainer software. Use the
connection procedure to find and connect to the Tracer and/or Trainer device in the “All Connected Devices” dialog.
In the “Connection Properties” dialog, displayed during the connection process, select Automatically connect to
the device

For Endpoint Device testing, place the device under test (DUT) into a PETrainer™ Host Emulation module. To
emulate a root complex and exercise the DUT, connect the PETrainer Host Emulation module to a PETrainer. To
capture and analyze traffic between the PETrainer and the DUT, also connect the PETrainer Host Emulation
module to a PETracer.

For Root Complex (and Switch Downstream Port) testing, place a PETrainer Device Emulator card into the
PCI Express slot in the Root Complex (or Switch Downstream Port) device under test. To emulate an Endpoint and
exercise the DUT, connect the PETrainer Device Emulator card to a PETrainer. To capture and analyze traffic
between the PETrainer and the DUT, also connect the PETrainer Device Emulator card to a PETracer.

For Root Complex testing, after you have completed the PETracer/Trainer setup described above, you must power
up (boot) the DUT into the Microsoft Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 OS, or one of the common Linux
distributions. Turn on the PC. Open the Script Automation Test Tool software. Press the Boot RC button in the
Script Automation Test Tool software, then turn on the DUT. You can then perform Root Complex testing. Install
the Teledyne LeCroy PETrainer Device Emulator driver for the Device Emulator card (see instructions below).

The Teledyne LeCroy PCI Express Script Automation Test Tool software graphical user interface (GUI) allows you
to select one or more PCI Express tests to run sequentially and to set property values such as lane width, polarity
reversal; and log saving. The software automatically configures the PETrainer and PETracer systems. After test
initiation, the log window shows test execution progress in real time. After completion of testing, the log window
shows each Automated Test with a test result of either PASSED or FAILED.