Test 5-1. txn_bft_vc0tcsupport – Teledyne LeCroy Protocol PCI Express Script Automation Test Tool User Manual

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Teledyne LeCroy

PCI Express Script Automation Test Tool User Manual

30 Test 5-1. TXN_BFT_VC0TCSupport

The intent of this test is to verify that slotted Endpoint devices that do not support VCs beyond the default still
handle requests with non-zero TC correctly.

Trainer Stimulus: trans_5-1_TXN_VC0TCSupport.peg

Recording Options: link_layer.rec

Verification Scripts: trans_5-1_TXN_BFT_VC0TCSupport.pevs

Test Algorithm:

1. Bring the link up.
2. Send a Memory Read request for address zero with TC value of 1.
3. Wait for Completion. TC in completion should be set to 1.

Pass/Fail Criteria:

Test should successfully progress though all test stages.
All test stages should be executed without protocol violations.

Verify that:
a) The Traffic Class ID in the Completion from the DUT is the same Traffic Class ID used in the initial Request.