3 folder structure, Folder structure – Teledyne LeCroy Protocol PCI Express Script Automation Test Tool User Manual

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Teledyne LeCroy

PCI Express Script Automation Test Tool User Manual


2.3 Folder Structure

The PCI Express Script Automation Test Tool uses a specific folder structure. The top folder is
C:\Program Files\CATC\PETracer\ScriptAutomationTestTool, which has the following required subfolders:

• AutomatedTests
• RecordingOptions
• GenerationOptions
• TrainerScripts
• Verification Scripts

AutomatedTests Folder

Contains the test script files in the Endpoint (for Endpoint Device testing) or RootComplex (for Root Complex
testing) subfolders.

RecordingOptions Folder

Contains recording option files in the ML (for PETracer ML .rec files), EML (for PETracer EML .rec files) or
Edge (for PETracer Edge .rec files) subfolders. The ML, EML and Edge subfolders each have Endpoint (for
Endpoint Device testing) and RootComplex (for Root Complex testing) subfolders. For Endpoint Device testing,
place a PETracer ML recording options file in ML\Endpoint, a PETracer EML recording options file of the same
name in EML\Endpoint and a PETracer Edge recording options file of the same name in Edge\Endpoint. For Root
Complex testing, place a PETracer ML recording options file in ML\RootComplex, a PETracer EML recording
options file of the same name in EML\RootComplex, and a PETracer Edge recording options file of the same name
in Edge\RootComplex. Enter the file path in the test script file RecordingOptions line, for example,

RecordingOptions = "Endpoint\\user_test.rec";

GenerationOptions Folder

Contains generation option files. This folder has the same subfolders as the RecordingOptions folder, except the
Edge subfolder. Enter the file path in the test script file GenerationOptions line, for example,

GenerationOptions = "Endpoint\\user_test.gen";

TrainerScripts Folder

Contains PETrainer script (.peg) files. You can use any subfolder structure. Enter the file path in the test script file
TrainerScript line, for example,

TrainerScript = "RootComplex\\LinkLayer\\link_41-20_ReservedFieldsDLLPReceive.peg";

The path is relative from the TrainerScripts folder. In this example, a subfolder named LinkLayer is under the
RootComplex folder in the TrainerScripts folder and contains the link_41-20_ReservedFieldsDLLPReceive.peg

Verification Scripts Folder

Contains PETracer Verification Script (.pevs) files (and their corresponding .inc files). You can use any subfolder
structure. If .inc files are included in a Verification Script, reference them by the relative path from the Verification
Script location. Enter the file path in the test script file VerificationScript line, for example,

VerificationScript = "Endpoint\\LinkLayer\\link_41-20_ReservedFieldsDLLPReceive.pevs";

In this example, a subfolder named LinkLayer is under the Endpoint folder in the VerificationScripts folder and
contains the script link_41-20_ReservedFieldsDLLPReceive.pevs.