IDEC DS2_Series User Manual

Page 36

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Instruction manual

DS2 series


7.3.2 Command



a. Synchronism command - 0x43 (‘C’ ASCII)

The host can use this command when connected to DS2 to obtain the local/remote configuration
parameters. If the serial transmission speed is missing, all known baud-rates can be tested until the
connection is established.

Host sends:

0x02 0x01 0x43 0x03 0xBB

DS2 replies:

0x02 0x0A 0x63

n l rrrrrrr



N = 1 byte with photoelement number (84, 126, 168 or 231)
L = 1 byte with the local configuration status (Dip-switch)

bit 0 = OutDelay

4B - Output Delay (No Delay/100ms Delay)

bit 1 = OutMode

3B - Output Mode (NO/NC)

bit 2 = TeachMode

2B - Teach-in Mode (Absolute/Relative)

bit 3 = TeachAcc

1B - Teach-in active (Inactive/Active)

bit 4 = MeasAna

4A - Measurement Analysis Mode (BotTop/Total)

bit 5 = MeasRef

3A - Measurement Reference Beam (Bottom/Top)

bit 6 = SerMode

2A - Serial Output Mode (Binary/ASCII)

bit 7 = ProgMode

1A - Programming Mode (Local/Remote)

rrrrrrr = 7 bytes with the remote configuration status

byte 1 = SerComm

Serial Communication (1 = Active, 0 = Inactive)

Short Protocol

(bit 7 = 1 Enable, bit 7 = 0 Disable)

byte 2 = BaudRate

Baud-rate (range 0 = 9600, 1 = 19200, 3 = 38400 4 = 57600)

byte 3 = MeasAna1

Measurement Analysis Mode 1 (see below)

byte 4 = MeasAna2

Measurement Analysis Mode 1 (see below)

byte 5 = SendType

Data Sending Type (0 = Cyclical, 1 = On Change or 2 = On Request)

byte 6 = DipSw

Remote setting by virtual dip-switches (only partially applicable)

byte 7 = OutputDelay Output Delay 0-200ms


= checksum (complement to one of the Length, Type and Data field bytes sum)

Numeric value associated to measurement type:

0 = Measure


1 = Complete beams status array
2 = Top beam dark
3 = Top beam light
4 = Bottom beam dark
5 = Bottom beam light
6 = Middle beam dark
7 = Middle beam light
8 = Total beam dark
9 = Total beam light
10 = Total contiguous beam dark
11 = Total contiguous beam light
12 = N. of transitions dark
13 = N. of transitions light

Remote configuration state (Virtual Dip Switch)

bit 0 = OutDelay 4B - Output Delay (No Delay/Delay)
bit 1 = OutMode

3B - Output Mode (NO/NC)

bit 2 = TeachMode 2B - Teach-In Mode (Absolute/Relative)
bit 3 = TeachEna

1B - Teach-In Enable (Disable/Enable)

bit 4 = MeasAna

4A - n. a.

bit 5 = MeasRef

3A - n. a.

bit 6 = SerMode

2A - Serial Output Mode (Binary/ASCII)

bit 7 = ProgMode

1A - n. a.