Sonic Charge Microtonic User Manual
Page 9

Undo / Redo
These choices undoes or redoes recent changes you have made. The “undo his-
tory” remembers up to 40 changes, but the history will be cleared every time you
close the editor window. To conveniently undo or redo more than one step, use
Open Preset
Choose Open Preset to bring up an “open dialog” that lets you load a
preset file
(file extension “.mtpreset” or “.mtpg”)
. The open dialog features direct
previewing of presets when you browse them as well as options to load only parts
of preset
Save Preset As
Save Preset brings up a “save dialog” that lets you save the current preset set-
tings into a
preset file
(file extension “.mtpreset”)
Revert to Saved
Reloads the last saved version of the preset from disk.
(Only available if the cur-
rent preset has been loaded from or saved to disk.)
Cut Preset
This menu copies the current preset settings onto the clipboard and resets the
settings in
Copy Preset
This menu copies the current preset settings onto the clipboard.
Paste Preset
This menu pastes preset settings from the clipboard. The current preset settings
will be replaced by those on the clipboard.
(Only available if a Microtonic preset is
available on the clipboard.)
Initialize Preset
This menu choice will reset all preset settings, including all current drum patch
parameters and all patterns.
Exchange Preset / Clipboard
This menu item exchanges the preset settings on the clipboard with the settings
. This feature is useful if you would like to toggle between two differ-
ent versions of a preset. Copy the first version, change the parameters
(or load a
new preset)
and use this function to swap between the two different presets.
(Only available if a Microtonic preset is available on the clipboard.)
Transpose Preset
This will let you transpose the entire preset
(all drum patches)
by an arbitrary
number of semitones up
or down
. You can enter decimals for
a finer precision than whole semitones. To repeat the transposition, use the
Alter Drum Patches
Use this function to make minor random adjustments to all drum patches. To test
various alterations, use the
Randomize All
Use this function to randomize all preset settings, including all current drum patch
parameters and all patterns. Effort has been put into making the random function
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