Sonic Charge Microtonic User Manual
Page 8

Program Display
There are 16 program slots available in
. Clicking the program display will
open up a pop-up menu where you can select which of the 16 slots you want to ac-
tivate. There are also options for enabling
MIDI Program Change messages as well
Write Protecting all programs. By write protecting the programs, any edits you
make will be lost as soon as you switch to another program.
(This can be handy in
live performance situations.)
Sound Morph
This slider allows you to morph all drum patches of all channels simultaneously.
Read the section above called
Morph for information on how this slider works.
Select Channel with MIDI
When the
Select Channel With MIDI option is turned on,
will select
drum channels as you trigger them from your MIDI keyboard. This features is espe-
cially useful if you plan to use the MIDI controller mapping features to edit your
drum patches
(see the section on
for more info)
Notice that there is no way to distinguish MIDI notes that come from your keyboard
from notes that come from MIDI tracks in your host sequencer. Therefore, it may be
a good idea to turn this option off before starting sequencer playback.
(This option is also available from the
Pitched MIDI Mode
features a mode called
Pitched MIDI Mode which allows you to play
melodies with the drum patches on your keyboard. Clicking this button will switch
this mode on and off. In pitched mode, the eight drum channels are addressed with
MIDI channels 1 to 8 and you have the entire keyboard for each channel. C3
number 60)
will play the “original pitch” of the drum patch.
MIDI channel 10 still responds like it does in standard mode, which allows you to
fully from your MIDI keyboard
(including changing programs, pat-
terns and muting channels)
(This option is also available from the
Stop Voices with MIDI Note Off
Turning this option on will make
mute voices on
MIDI Note Off mes-
sages. This allows you to change the length of drum sounds by changing the length
of the notes in your sequencer. It is also useful when using
Pitched MIDI Mode to
sustain held midi keys.
(This option is also available from the
Main Menu Button
Click the main menu button to display the main menu. Here you will find functions
that operate on the entire preset as well as some general utility and installation func-
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