Top section – Sonic Charge Microtonic User Manual
Page 7

At the far left of each section, you will find a number of buttons for performing vari-
ous functions. The buttons marked with down-pointing arrows are menu buttons;
menus concerning the relevant sections will pull down when you click on these. As
a shortcut, you may right-click anywhere in the main window
(or control-click on
to display a context menu. The context menus contain items that are relevant
to the section or controller you click on.
Repeat Last Menu
You can
Shift Click any menu button to repeat the last executed menu. This is es-
pecially useful for repeating functions such as altering and randomizing drum
patches and patterns, shifting patterns left and right etc.
Knobs and Faders
Parameters are edited with the numerous buttons, knobs and faders found on the
screen. Whenever you drag a fader or a knob, a hint window is shown displaying
the name and setting of the parameter in question. The setting is displayed in the
natural unit for the parameter, e.g. frequency settings are displayed in hertz
note name and volume settings in decibels
Some keys on your computer keyboard modify the behavior of knobs and faders. If
Shift Key is held down, the rate of change is adjusted so that you can make
finer adjustments. If the
Control Key is held down
(command key on Mac)
, the fader
or knob will reset to its default value
(i.e. the value of a newly initialized preset /
drum patch)
. Finally, you can press the
Alt Key when clicking a knob to temporarily
change its mode from circular to linear or vice versa.
You can right-click any knob, fader or button in
to open a small menu
with a few different choices that works directly on the controller. For example, you
can use this menu to enter an exact textual value or assign a MIDI controller to the
Top Section
Top Section of
contains both program controllers as well as a pre-
set selector and channel buttons.
© 2013 NuEdge Development!
Main Menu
Channel Buttons
Mute Buttons
Program Display / Selector
Preset Selector / Browser
Sound Morph
Select Channel with MIDI
Pitched MIDI Mode
Stop Voices with MIDI Note Off
Figure 2 Top Section