A4.0 appendix – Electronics International MVP-50T User Manual
Page 68

A4.0 Appendix:
Setting up the MVP to Display Torque
using a High and Low Pressure Transducer
Purpose: This document explains how to configure the MVP-50T to measure Torque using a High and Low
pressure transducer. On applicable engines Torque is derived from the difference between the High Torque
Pressure measurement and the Low Torque Pressure measurement.
1. Map the High Torque Function and Probe into the MVP-50T:
From the Main Engine Screen push the Menu Button, then select “System Configuration Screens Menu” at the
bottom of the screen, then select the “1. EDC Input to Function Mapping” screen. Refer to the “EDC Wiring Work
Sheet (Top Connector)” and determine the EDC pressure channel use for High Torque. Map the TORQ” function
into the proper EDC pressure channels. Refer to this manual for information on mapping.
In the “1. EDC Input to Function Mapping” screen select the appropriate probe for the “TORQ” function.
Normally a PT-100GA-.2 would be used for the TORQ” function.
2. Map the Low Torque Function into the MVP-50T:
Refer to the “EDC Wiring Work Sheet (Top Connector)” and determine the EDC pressure channel use for Low
Torque. Map the TRQ LO” function into the proper EDC pressure channels. Refer to this manual for information
on mapping.
In the “1. EDC Input to Function Mapping” screen select the appropriate probe for the “TRQ LO” function.
Normally a PT-30-TRQLO would be used for the “TRQ LO” function. Exit back to the Main Engine screen.
3. Set the “TORQ” Function to reference the “TRQ LO” Function:
From the Main Engine Screen push the Menu Button, then select “System Configuration Screens Menu” at the
bottom of the screen, then select the “5. EDC Input Cal.” screen. Select the “Input” field and change it until the
“Function” field (one line below) reads “TORQ.” Select this Input and scroll down to the line that reads
“Reference.” Change this field to read “- TRQ LO” (note the “-” sign). Exit back to the Main Engine screen.
4. Set the Torque Units and Conversion Factor:
From the Main Engine Screen push the Menu Button, then select “System Configuration Screens Menu” at the
bottom of the screen, then select the “Engine Data, Ports, Timers, etc. Setup” screen. In the “Torque:” field set the
“Units” and if applicable, the PSI for a 100% reading.
5. Test the System.
Apply a regulated pressure to the torque pressure transducer(s), and calculate the correct torque reading. Compare
your calculated reading to the MVP readings. Be sure not to apply a pressure that is above the rated pressure for
your transducers. Note: Most dial pressure gauges are not very accurate, so use discretion in interpreting the
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