Electronics International MVP-50T User Manual

Page 51

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“Voice Warning File”: This line sets the voice file that will be played when a red and/or yellow warning is reached
(as determined by the “Red & Yellow Ext Warning Logic” setting).

6.19 “5. EDC Input Calibration” Screen:

Warning: This screen is for advanced use only and data in this
screen normally should not be changed.

This screen allows you to change the calibration parameters of
an EDC Input used for a specific Probe and Function. In this
screen an EDC Input can be set up to accommodate a wide
variety of nonstandard probes. If any parameter for an EDC
Input has been changed from the factory default, the changed
parameters will be displayed in yellow.

This screen provides the following:

“Input:” Select the EDC Input to be modified in this field.

“Function:” This field displays the Function assigned to the
EDC Input selected above.

“Probe:” This field displays the Probe assigned to the EDC Input selected above.

“Raw Input Value:” This field displays the value of the uncalibrated signal measured on the EDC Input selected
above. This value is transmitted to the MVP from the EDC.

“Processed Value:” This field displays the value of the calibrated signal measured on the EDC Input selected
above. The Raw Input Value is calibrated by the calibration parameters listed below.

“EDC Units:” This field displays the processed units, which may not be the same as the displayed units. The
MVP performs a conversion, changing processed units to displayed units. You can select the displayed units in
Screen # 3.

Calibration Parameters: The Raw Input Value read from the EDC is processed (in sequence) by the following
calibration parameters:

“Gain:” The Raw Input Value from the EDC is multiplied by the number in this field. An Interim Value is
produced. Values over one should not be used.

“L.S.B. (shift right):” This field determines how many binary logic shift right processes are performed on
the Interim Value. Each shift operation divides the Interim Value by 2.

“Multiplier:” The Interim Value is multiplied by the value in this field. The Multiplier may be set to 1, 2, 5,
10 or 100. The Multiplier sets the resolution (i.e., a multiplier of 2 sets the resolution to 2 counts).