Electronics International MVP-50T User Manual
Page 34

The “Setup and Control Screens Menu” section lists those screens you will most often use to change data during
flight. To view the available Setup and Control Screens press the Menu button when displaying the Main Engine
Screen. Then scroll to the lower section of the blue screen. The following describes the operation for each Setup
and Control Screen.
5.1 “USB and Data Recording” Screen:
This screen allows the MVP to read Checklists, Flight Plans and
General Info files from the USB Data Stick. Also, you can write
MVP recorded engine data to the USB data stick and set up the
data recording. The “USB and Data Recording” screen provides
the following features:
5.1.1 “Read Files From USB Data Stick” Section:
“Read All Checklists”: This feature reads all checklists in
the “checklists” directory on the USB Data Stick. Checklists
are designated with a “.txt” extension and must be stored in
the “checklists” directory.
“Read All Flight Plans”: This feature reads all flight plans in the “flight_plans” directory on the USB Data
Stick. Flight plans are designated with a “.txt” extension and must be stored in the “flight_plans” directory.
“Read All General Info”: This feature reads all general information files in the “general_info” directory on
the USB Data Stick. General information files are designated with a “.txt” extension and must be stored in the
“general_info” directory.
5.1.2 “Write Recorded Data to USB” Section:
All functions mapped to an EDC input will be recorded to a flight data file (even those functions that are not
displayed on the MVP Main Engine or System Screens). Every time the MVP is powered up a new flight
data file is opened and data is stored to that file. Each file has a unique name as follows:
Flt #_Date X.csv
= Flight Number (same number stored in the Flight Log, Max Log, Min Log and Start Log)
Date = The date of the flight (example: 11-04-06).
= Flight Status (p = power on, engine off. r = engine running, no flight. f = flight timer started.)
.csv = File Extension.
Example: Flt17_11-04-05f.csv
This section allows you to write 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 or all the recorded flight data to the USB stick for review
and/or evaluation. Flight data files will be stored in the “data” directory on the USB data stick.