Electronics International MVP-50T User Manual
Page 57

OAT and IAT:
OAT and IAT:
OAT and IAT:
OAT and IAT:
OAT and IAT:
OAT will be displayed as Corrected OAT when the following is true:
1. Pressure Alt is provided.
2. Airspeed is provided
3. Recovery Factor is set for > 0.0
Pressure Altitude:
Pressure Altitude is calculated from the input of a PT-30ALT transducer by means of a lookup table
entered in the “Pressure Altitude Calibration” screen. Also, this screen provides a temperature compen-
sation value specific for an individual transducer. The normal value is 35. Note: A 2nd order polynomial
interpolation is used between calibration points.
VSI calculations are derived from averaging changes in altitude over time. If the altitude function is
selected, VSI will be available.
Airspeed (indicated airspeed) and TAS:
Airspeed calculations are based on a NASA equation. True Airspeed will be displayed when the follow-
ing is true:
1. Pressure Alt is provided.
2. OAT is provided
Notes: If Indicated Air Speed is required in the place of TAS, select IAT function to be displayed.
Recovery Factor:
Recovery Factor is used to calculate Corrected OAT and True Airspeed (TAS). The Recovery Factor
compensates for airspeed, altitude, OAT probe design and OAT probe placement. The setting is be-
tween 0 and 1.99, with 1.0 being the average setting for most configurations. The Recovery Factor is set
to produce no change in the OAT between slow flight and fast cruise.
Horsepower (MVP-50P):
Horsepower is based on the RPM, MP, EGT, Altitude and a Calibration Factor. Reference values are
entered into the “Horsepower Calibration” screen.
Horsepower (MVP-50T):
Horsepower is based on (Np x Torque) / Calibration Factor. The Calibration Factor is entered in the
“Engine Data, .... Setup” screen.
Torque (MVP-50T):
Torque is measured via an E.I. pressure transducer. Torque can be displayed as pressure or a percent-
age. The “Engine Data .... Setup” screen is used to calibrate Torque.
Shock Cooling (MVP-50P):
The Shock Cooling rate is calculated from the CHT readings for each cylinder. The highest Shock
Cooling value is displayed.