Electronics International MVP-50T User Manual
Page 42

Once the MVP has been configured for your aircraft the password should be set to a unique number to limit access
to the configuration data. Do not lose your password! Without the correct password you will not be able to access
the configuration data. If you do lose your password, contact Electronics International Inc. for help in retrieving it.
6.6 “Aircraft ID, Gear Warning and TAS Setup” Screen:
“Aircraft ID:” The aircraft number shown here will be used in the
header of the recorded data.
“Gear Warning:” The gear warning logic provides a voice
warning when the conditions shown in this screen are met. The last
function in the logic string is normally N1. The Airspeed and N1
levels are set specific to your aircraft to provide a Gear Up Warning
when configuring the aircraft for a landing and the gear is NOT
down and locked. The Appendix provides setup information for
this feature.
“Recovery Factor:” The recovery factor compensates for errors
in the OAT reading due to Airspeed and Altitude. Unless you are
performing FAA flight tests, the recovery factor is not required.
6.7 “Engine Data, Hour Meter, Flight Timer Setup” Screen:
“N1/NG/NH: RPM of ______ = _______ %:” This line allows you to set the tach generator RPM for a given
N1 reading.
“N2/NP/NF/NL: Tach Gen of ______ = _______ :” This line
allows you to set the tach generator RPM for a given N2 reading.
N2 may be displayed in percentage or RPM.
“Torque: Units ______ ______ PSI = 100%:” This line
allows you to set the units in which Torque will be displayed and the
pressure for a 100% reading.
“Horsepower = (Np x TORQ) / ______:” This line allows you
to set the horsepower calculations for your aircraft. Check engine
data for proper values.
“Fuel Weight”: This line allows you to set the weight of the fuel
used in the aircraft. This data affects the weight that will be used for
the amount of fuel shown on the Weight and Balance Screen.
“Total Cycles for the aircraft: This line allows you to set the total cycles (engine or flight) for the aircraft.