Electronics International MVP-50T User Manual
Page 31

The MVP will always remember which portion of the Flight Plan screen was last viewed. You can leave in the
middle of a Flight Plan screen to look at other screens and when you return you will be at the same place in the
Flight Plan screen as when you left.
Opening a New Flight Plan: A new Flight Plan may be opened in place of the one displayed by pushing the Menu
button while viewing the Flight Plan to be replaced, rotating the Select knob to select the new Flight Plan and
pressing the Select knob to select and display the new Flight Plan.
Creating a Flight Plan: A custom Flight Plan may be created in Word, WordPad, Notepad or most any text
editor. See “Creating a Checklist, Flight Plan or General Information File” in the Appendix section of this manual.
Reading a Flight Plan from a USB Data Stick: A Flight Plan may be read from a USB Data Stick and stored
into MVP memory by pushing the Menu button while viewing a Flight Plan, rotating the Select knob to select “Read
Files From USB” near the bottom of the screen and pressing the Select knob to perform this function.
Save a Flight Plan to a USB Data Stick: A Flight Plan may be saved to a USB Data Stick by pushing the Menu
button while viewing the Flight Plan to be saved, rotating the Select knob to select “Save This File to USB” near the
bottom of the screen and pressing the Select knob to perform this function.
Deleting a Flight Plan: A Flight Plan may be deleted from MVP memory by pushing the Menu button while
viewing the Flight Plan to be deleted, rotating the Select knob to select “Delete This File” near the bottom of the
screen and pressing the Select knob to perform this function.
4.10 “Gen. Info.” Screens:
The General Information screens can hold a wealth of information
which can be accessed easily and quickly. The MVP is capable of
storing up to 50 custom General Information files. Two General
Information files can be open at any one time. A General
Information file can be as long or as short as you need it to be.
When a General Information file is too long to fit entirely on the blue
screen, simply rotate the Select knob downward and the screen will
scroll upward, revealing the rest of the General Information file. To
scroll up or down one page at a time, rotate the Select knob while it
is pressed-in.
The MVP will always remember what portion of the General
Information screen was last viewed. You can leave in the middle of
a General Information file to look at other screens and when you
return you will be at the same place in the General Information file as when you left.
Opening a New General Info File: A new Gen Info File may be opened in place of the one displayed by pushing
the Menu button while viewing the Gen Info File to be replaced, rotating the Select knob to select the new Gen Info
File and pressing the Select knob to select and display the new Gen Info File.