Electronics International MVP-50T User Manual

Page 35

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Note: If you enter a system configuration screen and change any data, a new flight data file with a new flight
number may be started.

Note: Formatting information on recorded flight data can be found in the Appendix under the heading,
“Recorded Flight Data Formatting.”

5.1.3 “Data Recording Setup” Section:

“Recording Interval”: The time between recordings can be set from 0.3 seconds to 10 seconds. The
shorter the recording interval the more memory will be required and the less recording time will be available.
Normally a recording interval of 1 seconds will provide a good picture of each flight and provide a total
recording time of over 600 hours. If any value goes into or out of a programmed limit, all values will be
recorded at that instant, regardless of the recording interval.

“Current Flight Number”: Every time the MVP is powered-up the flight number is advanced and a new
flight data file is generated. The flight number and date are used to identify the recorded data for each flight.

“Reset Flight Num. to 1?”: This line allows you to reset the flight number back to one. Previous flight data
files will not be deleted. The MVP will only delete old data files when necessary to make room for new ones.

5.2 “Voice and Display Controls” Screen:

This screen allows you to control and/or set the following warning
and display functions:

5.2.1 “Voice Warning Control” Section:

“External Voice Switch is”: This field shows the current
position (On or Off) of the External Voice Switch (this is a
good troubleshooting tool).

“Volume Level”: This field allows you to set the volume
level for the voice warnings.

5.2.2 “Test a voice file” Section:

This section allows you to play any one of the voice files
stored in the MVP.

5.2.3 “Display Controls” Section:

This section allows you to set the method for controlling the MVP display intensity. An “External” setting
allows E.I.’s optional CP-1 Intensity Control Pot to adjust the MVP display intensity to any desired level. An
“Auto Dimming” setting allows the electric eye on the front of the MVP case to automatically adjust the
MVP’s display intensity according to the current ambient light level.