Electronics International MVP-50T User Manual

Page 19

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The “4. Redlines, Limits and Color Setup” screen and the “Serial Port & External Warning Light Setup” screen
provides fields to set the operation of the Caution and Warning lights. Changes in these screens are password

As with any warning system, it is important that there are no false alarms. False alarms can desensitize a pilot to all
alarms, which can cause a serious situation to go undetected. Setting proper red and yellow limits for each function
is a key step in eliminating false alarms.

2.8 Voice Alarm Control Panel:

The Voice Alarm Control Panel is an external panel used to control the voice warnings provided
by the MVP. The MVP voice warning system is a powerful system that provides an immediate
and intelligent audible warning regardless of the pilot’s head position or focus. The instant an
operating level of any function reaches a red and/or yellow operating limit, a chime will sound in
the headset and a pleasant female voice will annunciate a phrase, such as: “Check Oil
Pressure,” or “Check Fuel Pressure.”

Task List: If two or more alarms are activated, the alarms are placed on a task list and are announced one at a
time with a one-second delay between alarms. After the last alarm on the task list is announced a five-second delay
will occur. The alarms are then once again announced in order.

Power-up Announcement: When the MVP is powered up and the Voice Alarm Control Panel switch is placed in
the “ON” position, the MVP will announce, “Voice Annunciator enabled. Have a nice flight.” This announcement
will be made only once, at the beginning of each flight.

Acknowledging and Silencing an Alarm for One Minute: To acknowledge and silence an alarm, push the
switch on the Voice Alarm Control Panel momentarily to the “ACK” (acknowledge) position. A high tone beep will
be heard in the headset and all active Red warnings will be silenced for one minute. This is handy if you don’t want
to permanently shut off any alarms but you need silence for one minute in order to deal with other pressing matters.
After one minute the silenced Red warnings (if still active) once again will be announced in the headset.

Once a YELLOW caution is acknowledged it will not reoccur. If the “Red & Yellow Warning Logic” field (found
in the “4. Redlines, Limits and Color Setup” screen) has been set to “Disabled,” a voice alarm will not be provided.

During the time one or more alarms are silenced, any newly activated Red or Yellow alarm will be announced
immediately in spite of the minute of silence. To silence this new cauton or warning alarm, once again push the
Control Panel Switch to the “ACK” position, which will silence the new alarm and all active Red warnings for one

Acknowledging and Silencing an Alarm for 10 Minutes: To acknowledge and silence any active Red warning
for 10 minutes, push the Voice Alarm Control Panel switch to the “ACK” position three times within three seconds
or less. On the third push, a low tone boop will be heard in the headset, indicating that all active Red warnings will
be silenced for 10 minutes.

Turning the Voice Warning System “OFF”: To disable the MVP Voice Warning System, silence all voice
alarms in the headset and reset any silence delay times and Yellow cautions, simply set the Voice Alarm Control