Analog output: option "-a, Outputs based on direction of rotation: option "-d, Outputs based on direction of rotation: option “-d – Electro Cam 5000 Series User Manual

Page 43

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5-2 Programming, Optional Features

Analog Output: Option “-A”

FCN 1 Ao, Ah - Analog Output Signal

(Units with "A" option only)

The analog option allows PL


S controls to output an analog

signal that is linearly proportional to the current machine
RPM. Analog output modules are available with either 0-10
VDC or 4-20 mA output. The two parameters that define the
operation of the Analog output are the Offset and the High
RPM (speed at which full scale signal occurs).

Ao - Analog offset: The Analog offset is the analog signal
level that will be output when the machine º0is at zero RPM.
This allows the minimum analog signal to be greater than
zero volts or 4 mA, which is required in many applications.
The offset is programmed in terms of the number of 12 bit
(4096) increments that the minimum signal level should be.
Calculate the Offset value to be programmed as follows:

For 20 mA: ((Min Sig - 4) / (16)) x 4096
EX: 5 mA Min Sig Ao = ((5-4)/(16)) x 4096 = 256

For 10 VDC: (Min Sig /10) x 4096
EX: 2 VDC Min Sig Ao = (2 / 10) x 4096 = 819

Ah - Analog high RPM: The Analog high RPM is the
lowest speed at which full scale analog output will occur. It
is programmed in whole RPM.

EX: Need 5 mA output at zero RPM and 20 mA output at
1200 RPM. Ao = 256 (mA example above) and Ah = 1200

Present Analog offset
in 1/4096ths of full
scale signal


Press CHN key
until Ao is shown


Press number keys followed by
ENT key to change Analog
offset value

Ao - Analog


1st If FCN 1
not shown press:


Present RPM for full
scale analog signal


Press CHN key
until Ah is shown


Press number keys followed by
ENT key to change Analog
high RPM value

Ah - Analog

high (RPM)

1st If FCN 1
not shown press:


Programming the Analog Full Scale Signal RPM

Programming the Analog Offset

Outputs Based On Direction of Rotation: Option “-D”


Use CHN key to toggle
between OFF, INC, DEC

Hysteresis value

In standard PL


S controllers without the “-D” option, outputs

will turn ON/OFF based on resolver position, regardless of
which direction the resolver is turning. With the “-D” option,
outputs can be based on the direction the resolver is
rotating. Outputs can be set individually to be based on

Direction ANDing: To choose which channels are to be
based on direction, select Alternate Function 5. This is
accomplished by pressing the FCN key and POS/RPM
key simultaneously, then pressing 5, then pressing EN-
TER. The number 1 will appear above the channel key
(CHN). OFF will appear in the display on the right, next to
the POS/RPM key.

Toggle through each channel by pressing the CHN key.
Toggle the feature between OFF, increment direction
ANDing (INC), and ON decrement (DEC) direction ANDing
by pressing the PULSE key. The factory default will be
OFF for all channels.

Direction Hysteresis: Direction hysteresis is used to specify how many counts in one direction the resolver must rotate
before a change in direction ANDing occurs and affects the output ON/OFF status. This level is adjustable so that
vibration in the machine will not cause outputs to switch that are direction ANDed. Select Alternate Function 6 to set this
value. A value can be entered (1 to 9999) for the number of counts that must pass before a direction change affects the
output status. The default is 3.