Bosch MUZ8MM1 Accessoire Multi-Mixer pour MUM8 User Manual

Page 4

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Änderungen vorbehalten.



Gemüsebrei, Gemüsesuppen

Maximalmenge: 375 g

Stufe: 4

Verarbeitungszeit: 1 Minute


2 Eier

15 g Essig

½ TL Senf

1 Prise Salz

1 Prise Zucker

300-400 g Öl

Zutaten müssen gleiche Temperatur haben.

S Zutaten (außer Öl) einige Sekunden auf

Stufe 4 mischen.

S Das Öl langsam durch den Trichter gießen

und so lange weiter mischen, bis die MayonĆ

naise emulgiert.

Verarbeitungszeit: 1½ Minuten
Fleischteige, Füllungen, Pasteten

Maximalmenge: 300 g

Stufe: 4

Verarbeitungszeit: 1 Minute

Anmerkung: Fleisch zusammen mit restlichen

Zutaten und Gewürzen einfüllen.
Mixen (Milchmixgetränke, Soßen,

Salatdressing und Cremesuppen)

Maximalmenge, flüssig 0,5 l

Maximalmenge, fest 375 g

Stufe: 4


See operating instructions for food processor


The accessories are suitable for food

processors MUM8....


Please fold out the illustrated back page.

Fig. 1

place on the base and rotate in an

antiĆclockwise direction.
Lid with feed tube

Fig. 2

place on the bowl and rotate in an antiĆ

clockwise direction as far as the lid lug.
MultiĆblenderFig. 3

place on the drive and rotate in an

antiĆclockwise direction.
MultiĆfunction blade

Fig. 4

Cutting discs

Fig. 5

a Reversible slicing disc - thick/thin
b Reversible shredding disc - coarse/fine
c Grating disc - medium fine
Operating position

Fig. 6

Safety instructions

The multiĆblender must be completely

assembled before use. Never assemble the

multiĆblender on the base unit.

Do not attach/remove the multiĆblender until

the drive is at a standstill and the mains plug

has been pulled out.

Keep fingers clear of the filling shaft, use the

pusher to force down the ingredients.

When inserting and removing the multiĆ

function blade, grip it by the conical base only.

Keep children away from the appliance.

Predetermined breaking point

The predetermined breaking point protects

the drive.

If the appliance is overloaded, the disc holder

on the drive shaft breaks and can be easily

replaced. New disc holders are available from

customer service.


d Risk of injury from sharp blade and

sharp discs!

Caution when handling the multiĆfunction

blade and cutting discs.