Analysis – PASCO TD-8565 Adiabatic Gas Law Apparatus User Manual

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Experiment 1: Ideal Gas Law

© 2009 Physics Enterprises


B. Graphical


Drag-and-drop the Graph icon from the Displays menu onto Voltage, Ch A(V) in the Data
menu. Drag-and-drop the Graph1 icon onto Voltage, Ch B(V) and then Voltage, Ch C(V). In
this way, graphs of Pressure, Volume and Temperature will all be displayed with a
common time axis.

C. Collecting the Data

With a stopcock valve open, set the piston to the approximate middle of its range at the
10 cm mark and close both stopcocks.

Record the height of the piston at atmospheric pressure:



= __________ cm

Raise the piston to its highest position, click on Start and, over a span of approximately
five seconds, slowly and steadily move the piston to its lowest position, then click Stop.
Notice that the plots of voltages show the Pressure increasing as the Volume decreases.


A. Conversions from voltages to P, V and T

Open the Calculate tool in Data Studio menu and change the Definition to

P = 100000



as noted on the calibration label on the back of the Adiabatic Gas Law Apparatus and

define variable “x” to be Data Measurement with Voltage, ChA(V). Then Accept this

In the Calculate tool, click New and define V as the volume according to the linear
calibration expression on the label. This time the variable “x” is defined as Voltage, ChB(V).
Then Accept this calculation. (If you have an older unit or wish to perform the volume
calibration by hand, please refer to Appendix A.

In the Calculate tool, click New and Calculate the Temperature using the linear expression
on the label and defining x as the measurement from ChC.