Storage and safety, Qualitative demonstrations – PASCO ME-6828 Dynamics Cart Magnetic Damping User Manual

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D y n a m i c s C a r t M a g n e t i c D a m p i n g

S t o r a g e a n d S a f e t y



Place the Magnetic Damping Accessory on the magnet-equipped end of the cart
as illustrated.


Place the cart on an aluminum track.


Slide the Magnetic Damping Accessory up or down to adjust the amount of
damping. The magnets should not touch the track.

To set a gap size that can be measured or reproduced, use a stack of cards as a gauge.
Place the cards between the magnets and track as illustrated. Slide the Magnetic
Damping Accessory down until the magnets contact the top card; then remove the
cards. Use calipers to measure the thickness of the stack. For maximum damping, use
a single card.

Storage and Safety

The Magnetic Damping Accessory is shipped with a keeper plate attached to the
magnets. The keeper protects the magnets and reduces the external magnetic
field. Always store the Magnetic Damping Accessory with the keeper in

Use caution when replacing the keeper to avoid being pinched or chipping the

Do not remove the magnets from the body of the Magnetic Damping Acces-
If the magnets are accidentally removed, replace them with caution. The
poles of all three magnets should have the same orientation.

Keep the Magnetic Damping Accessory away from computers and magnetic
recording media.

Qualitative Demonstrations

The effects of magnetic damping can be surprising. Use these demonstrations illus-
trate the phenomenon.

Place a strongly damped cart on a track and ask students to move it by hand.
When the cart is moved quickly, the damping force is easily detected.

Raise one end of the track by a few centimeters. Set the Magnetic Damping
Accessory for maximum damping and allow the cart to run down the track. With
the track inclined just enough to overcome rolling friction, the cart will creep
very slowly at a constant velocity.

stack of
