PASCO SE-9076 Constant Velocity Tubes User Manual
Page 14

Constant Velocity Tubes
enough for the bubble to come into view, but short enough so that the bubble does
not reach the top of the tube. At a convenient
time your partner should say “start.”
Quickly rotate the tube into a vertical
position; the wrapped end should be
downward (Figure 2).
As a bubble comes into view, keep the index
finger of one hand pointing at the bottom of
the bubble as it rises. When your partner says
“Stop,” stop moving your finger and hold it
there to mark the position of the bottom of the
bubble (Figure 3).
Measure the distance from the bottom of the
tube to the point marked by your finger
(Figure 4).
Record the time of travel and the bubble’s
position and plot the point on the graph.
3. Do the above for two different time intervals. Choose
one time interval that is short enough so that the
bottom of the bubble has just emerged from the paper
wrapping. Choose another time interval almost long
enough to permit the bubble to reach the top of the tube. Enter your data into the data table.
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
4. Prepare a graph, and plot the two data points.
When your partner says
time, mark the position of
the bottom of the bubble
with your finger.
Measure the
distance (
d ) from
your finger to the
bottom of the