Additional experiment suggestions – PASCO ME-6962 PAStrack Systems User Manual
Page 26

P A S t r a c k S y s t e m s
A d d i t i o n a l E x p e r i m e n t S u g g e s t i o n s
Additional Experiment Suggestions
Oscillation Modes of Two Carts and Three Springs
Place two carts of equal mass on the track. Attach a spring between the carts and con-
nect each cart to their respective ends of the track with springs. Pull the carts away
from each other and release and observe the mode of oscillation. Then displace both
carts in the same direction initially and observe. Add a mass bar to one cart and
Newton’s Second Law: Uphill Acceleration
Repeat Experiment 7 with the track inclined so the pulley is on the high end and the
cart accelerates up the incline.
Damped Motion
Incline the track with the end stop at the bottom. Release the cart from a measured
distance up the track. Use the magnetic bumpers in the cart and end stop so the cart
rebounds. On each rebound, when the cart reaches its peak, record the time and posi-
tion. Make a graph of amplitude versus time.
Rocket Cart with Balloon
Attach an untied inflated balloon to the cart with the neck of the balloon directed out
the back of the cart. Let the air propel the cart.
Oscillation modes of Three Carts and Four Springs
Place three carts of equal mass on the track. Attach springs between the carts and con-
nect the end carts to the ends of the track with springs. Displace the two end carts
away from the middle cart and release and observe the mode of oscillation. Displace
the two carts on the left away from the cart on the right and release and observe the
mode of oscillation. Displace the middle cart and release and observe the mode of
Multiple Elastic Collisions
Use three PAScars. Install a magnetic bumper accessory (from PASCO part
ME-6952) on the middle PAScar so that it can collide elastically with the PAScars on
both sides. Try this experiment with carts of the same mass and then with carts of dif-
ferent masses. Push the left cart into the middle cart, which in turn will collide with
the right cart. Note the resulting final velocities of each cart.
Rocket Staging
Use three or more PAScars to simulate a rocket expelling fuel. Push the plungers in on
each cart and attach the carts together in a line. Use tape to lightly attach the carts to
each other. Position the carts at one end of the track. The lead cart represents the
rocket and the rest of the carts are fuel. Use a meter stick to release the plungers in
succession by striking the plunger-release of each cart, beginning with the last fuel
cart (furthest from the rocket cart). As each plunger is released, each cart will separate
from the rest, one at a time. Note the final speed of the rocket cart compared to its
speed when all the fuel is dumped at once.