PASCO ME-6962 PAStrack Systems User Manual
Page 10

P A S t r a c k S y s t e m s
E x p e r i m e n t 2 : C o n s e r v a t i o n o f M o m e n t u m i n C o l l i s i o n s
Experiment 2: Conservation of Momentum
in Collisions
The purpose of this experiment is to qualitatively explore conservation of momentum
for elastic and inelastic collisions.
When two carts collide with each other, the total momentum of both carts is con-
served regardless of the type of collision.
An elastic collision is one in which the carts bounce off each other with no loss of
kinetic energy. In this experiment, magnetic bumpers are used to minimize the energy
losses due to friction during the collision. In reality, this “elastic” collision is slightly
A completely inelastic collision is one in which the carts hit and stick to each other. In
this experiment, this is accomplished with the hook-and-loop bumpers on the carts.
Part I: Elastic Collisions
Figure 2.1
1. Level the track.
2. Orient the two carts on the track so their magnetic bumpers are toward each
3. Test cases A1 through A3 and B1 through B3 described below. Draw two dia-
grams (one for before the collision and one for after the collision) for each case.
In every diagram, show a velocity vector for each cart with a length that approxi-
mately represents the relative speed of the cart.
A. Carts with Equal Mass
Case A1: Place one cart at rest in the middle of the track. Give the other cart an initial
velocity toward the cart at rest.
Case A2: Start the carts with one at each end of the track. Give each cart approxi-
mately the same velocity toward each other.
Required Equipment from PAStrack System
(2) PAScars
Other Required Equipment
Paper (for drawing diagrams)