Demonstrations, Ease of bending, Elastic curves – PASCO ME-9891 Flexible I-beam User Manual
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F l e x i b l e I - b e a m
D e m o n st r a ti o n s
Ease of Bending
Hold the I-beam in your hands and bend it in the “upright” and “side” directions as
illustrated. In which direction is it easier to bend? For the same effort, in which direc-
tion does it bend more?
Elastic Curves
Set up the beam (either upright or on its side) in the support-and-load configurations
diagramed in Figure 3.
The diagrams show two types of support: roller support, which restricts vertical dis-
placement but not rotation; and fixed support, which restricts both displacement and
rotation. Use a pencil for a roller support and a large table clamp (PASCO part
ME-9472) for a fixed support (see Figure 2).
Figure 2
To apply the load, press down on the beam with your hand or place a mass (about 1
kg) on the beam.
For each configuration, make an exaggerated sketch of the elastic curve showing
where the curvature of the beam is positive (concave upward), negative (concave
downward), and zero (a straight section or an inflection point). Hold a straight edge
against the beam to help determine the direction of curvature. Also mark the point (or
points) of maximum deflection.
Figure 3: Support-and-load configurations for elastic curve demonstration
Figure 1: Exaggerated
illustration of I-beam
bent in upright and side
(a) Roller support
(b) Fixed support