Foam insert replacement – PASCO ME-9892 Ballistic Pendulum Accessory User Manual
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B a l l i s t i c P e n d u l u m A c c e s s o r y
F o a m I n s e r t R e p l a c e m e n t
4. Return pendulum to its normal hanging position.
Prepare the Sensor
1. Connect the RMS to a PASPORT interface. If you will be using a computer, con-
nect the interface to it and start your data collection software.
2. Set the sampling rate of the RMS to 40 Hz.
3. Prepare a graph to show angular position versus time.
For detailed instructions, refer to the documentation that came with your interface or
press F1 to launch the software’s on-line help.
Test Fire
1. Start data recording.
2. Pull the trigger of the launcher.
3. Stop data collection.
Figure 7 shows typical data for an inelastic collision. If your data shows negative
angular displacement, disassemble the RMS from the mounting rod and pendulum
and remount it with the pendulum attached to the other end of the RMS shaft.
Foam Insert Replacement
With age and repeated use, the foam catcher insert may lose elasticity. If the catcher
does not reliably hold the ball, remove the foam insert and replace it with a new one
(PASCO part ME-9894 is a five pack of foam inserts).
Figure 8: Removable foam insert
Figure 7: Typical data