Introduction, About the apparatus, Tension protractor – PASCO ME-6855 Tension Protractor User Manual

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background image

Tension Protractor




Figure 1: Front view

Included Parts

Tension Protractor

String, 15 cm

Wire hook

Other Parts Recommended

90 cm Steel Rod (PASCO part ME-8738)

Large Table Clamp (ME-9472)

Additional string (SE-8050)

Hooked Mass Set (SE-8759)


The Tension Protractor is used to measure string tension and angle simultaneously. It eliminates the need for separate
spring scales and protractors in equilibrium experiments.

About the Apparatus

The Tension Protractor consists of a torsion spring scale and a protractor.

The string is attached to the rotating part of the protractor and wrapped twice around a small pulley (see Figure 1).
When the string is pulled, the torsion spring stretches and the red pointer rotates. The string tension is read on the

To zero the angle scale,
rotate the outer ring

Force is indicated on the
inner scale, which is red to
match the red pointer

The string is secured

with a screw

The string is wrapped

around the center pulley

Angle is indicated on the
outer scale

A mass can be hung from
the wire hook