Questions – PASCO ME-6855 Tension Protractor User Manual
Page 12
T e n s i o n P r o t r a c t o r
E x p e r i m e n t 2 : B o o m i n S t a t i c E q u i l i b r i u m
Compare the total clockwise torque to the total counterclockwise torque by calculat-
ing the percent difference. Record the percent difference in Table 2.2. Are they the
same? Should they be the same?
Calculate the known horizontal forces. Use Equation 2-3 to determine the unknown
horizontal force at the pivot and record it in Table 2.3.
Calculate the known vertical forces. Use Equation 2-4 to determine the unknown ver-
tical force at the pivot and record it in Table 2.3.
Calculate the magnitude and direction of the force at the pivot. Specify whether you
are measuring the angle from the horizontal or the vertical. Draw a diagram showing
the angle of the force. Record the magnitude and angle in Table 2.3.
How do the clockwise torques compare to the counterclockwise torques?
Is the direction of the pivot force parallel to the meter stick?
Using the convention that counterclockwise torques are positive and clockwise
torques are negative, sum the torques about the center of mass of the meter stick.
What do you expect the sum to be?
Table 2.2: Calculations and Results
Torque caused by hanging weight
Torque caused by meter stick
Total clockwise torque
Torque caused by string
Total counterclockwise torque
Percent difference
Table 2.3: Forces at the Pivot
Horizontal pivot force
Vertical pivot force
Magnitude of pivot force
Angle of pivot force