Dxow 3rvvleoh fdxvh 5hfwlilfdwlrq, Rectifying faults sb wire sawing system – Diamond Products SB User Manual

Page 40

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Rectifying faults

SB Wire Sawing System

Page 40


Wire "polished"

Too high a wire cutting speed

Strong reinforcement or hard aggregates

Too great a contact surface between wire
and building object, or pressing force or
feed too small

Adapt wire cutting speed

Adapt wire cutting speed

Increase feeding force / insert deflection

Wire has too much wear

Too little water in the cut

Strong steel reinforcement

Incorrect wire cutting speed

Align water lance better / increase water

Rectification not possible

Adapt wire cutting speed

Feed not constant

Defective clamping cylinder

Strong steel reinforcement

Replace clamping cylinder

Rectification not possible

Decaying of clamping cylinder when feed
set to zero

Retaining valve defective

Replace retaining valve

Drive motor has no power

Defective drive motor

Drive defective

Check / replace defective motor

Check drive see operating instructions
for drive unit in use

Shaft seal defective on drive motor

Plug connectors not correctly connected

Defective drive motor

Check plug connectors and then replace
shaft sealing ring

Replace drive motor

Rim on deflection pulley worn at one

Deflection pulley bearing defective

Deflection pulley touching chassis and

Replace bearing and rim

Establish cause and replace defective

Play in the deflection pulley bearing

Defective bearing / worn ball-bearing

Replace ball bearing and seals

Wire vibrates strongly

Drive or deflection pulley rims are jam-
ming the wire (worn rims)

Too much tension on wire

Too high a wire cutting speed

Cut carried out with slack side of wire

Replace rims

Reduce feed pressure

Adapt wire cutting speed

Carry out cutting only with tension side.
Only cut with slack side in the event of
poor access to the building object

Straight cut not possible

Deformed swivel pulley holder

Replace swivel pulley holder

Play in bearing on drive shaft

Defective ball bearing

Replace ball bearing