2 exporting files, 3 supported file formats – Multichannel Systems STG4004+STG4008 Manual User Manual
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Stimulus Generator 4000 Series Manual
6.2 Exporting
1. On
File menu, click Export ASCII File. The Save As dialog box appears.
2. Browse to the target folder and enter a file name.
3. Click
Save to generate the ASCII file.
All pulse protocols from the active file will be saved in ASCII file format. The MC_Stimulus II
ASCII format type is format type 4. For your convenience, the generated ASCII file includes
the header that is required for reimporting the file into MC_Stimulus II.
6.3 Supported File Formats
The ASCII text must exactly follow the specifications below. The parameters in angle brackets
are placeholders for any valid numbers or strings.
Hint: You can set up files conveniently in any standard spreadsheet program and save them
as tab-delimited ASCII.
The file name and the file name extension are not important. You can use any extension
you like, for example *.txt, or *.dat, or any other.
Comments are introduced by the number sign #. The rest of the line after # is only for your
information; it is completely ignored when executing the stimulus file. (You do not need
comments, of course, but it is convenient for documentation.)
Hint: Use # to comment lines out. That is, you can disable lines without removing it from the file.
Thus, you can keep the lines for later uses.
Blank lines are ignored.
The spelling is strict. The MC_Stimulus II program does not recognize a keyword if it is misspelled
or if even only one character is missing, but it is not case-sensitive.
The file has the following structure.
1. File header
2. Data
File header
The first two non comment lines have to be the following lines. Files for older versions
of the import filter (version 1.00) can be imported with the current version as well.
Multi Channel Systems MC_Stimulus II
ASCII import Version 1.10
The next three lines have to be the following lines (in any order).
output mode:
Make sure you define the total number of channels for the used STG properly (4 channels for a
STG with 4 channels, 8 channels for a STG with 8 channels, and so on), according to the software
version. You can select the maximum number of channels during the installation of MC_Stimulus.
On the Help menu, click About MC_Stimulus II to check your current software version.