Laurel Electronics LTSE6 - Manual User Manual
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The LTSE6 Ethernet input to analog output transmitter (or Ethernet-to-analog converter) accepts
Ethernet data using the Modbus or Custom ASCII protocol, and converts it to an isolated, scalable
4-20 mA, 0-20 mA or 0-10V analog output. It fits on a 35 mm DIN rail and is only 22.5 mm (0.89")
thick. It is normally powered by AC (85-264 Vac), but is also available for low voltage AC or DC.
The current or voltage output is jumper selectable and is transformer isolated to avoid ground
loops. Either output provides 16-bit resolution of the output span and is ultra-linear to within one
bit. The output is scaled to the serial input in software. Output accuracy is ±0.02% of span.
Dual solid state relays rated 120 mA at 140 Vac or 180 Vdc are standard. The relays can respond
to the transmitted serial values or to transmitted control characters, which override the internal
setpoints. The relays can also be controlled independently of the serial input by applying signals to
control inputs 1 and 2.
Isolation to 250V rms is provided for power, the Ethernet input, analog output, and relay outputs.
Isolation adds safety and avoids possible ground loops.
Transmitter setup is via the Ethernet interface using Node Manager Software on a PC or the Web
Server software which is built into each of our Ethernet Nodes.
• Ethernet Manual. Covers Ethernet Node discovery and setup using Node Manager PC Software
or the Web Server Software built into each Node. Required for use of Ethernet transmitters and
normally shipped with this manual.
• Modbus Communications Manual. Covers strings and commands to be used with the Modbus
protocol (if selected). Intended for programmers.
• Serial Communications Manual. Covers strings and commands to be used with Custom ASCII
protocol (if selected). Intended for programmers.
Your transmitter was carefully tested and inspected prior to shipment. Should the transmitter be
damaged in shipment, notify the freight carrier immediately. In the event the transmitter is not
configured as ordered or is inoperable, return it to the place of purchase for repair or replacement.
Please include a detailed description of the problem.