An-wdg-5912_v100 – Controlled Products Systems Group WDG-5912 User Manual

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©2007 Cypress Computer Systems, Inc.


AppNote Wedge Programming Version 1.0.0

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Using the Cypress Programmable Wedge for custom Wiegand formats

This application note will explain how to use the Cypress programmable wedge to generate
Facility Code and Badge numbers from Wiegand data streams of 24 to 64 bits.

This application note assumes that the user is familiar with Decimal, Hexadecimal and Binary
number systems and that a reader is connected to the wedge and is operational.
The user will also need to know any formatting details of the decoded data.

Different processes are required for Strobed/ABA or Wiegand/ABA data. These procedures apply
to Wiegand/Binary data only.

There are several steps involved in getting the desired facility code and badge numbers from
Wiegand data using the Cypress Wedge.

These are:

1. Determine the number of bits in the raw Wiegand data.
2. Determine the actual data bits (raw data) from the Wiegand card reader.
3. Determine where the desired facility code is located in the raw data.
4. Determine where the desired badge data is located in the raw data.
5. Composing programming strings to filter the facility code and badge data from
the incoming raw Wiegand data.
6. Determine the number of decimal digits for the facility code and badge data.
7. Composing programming strings to correctly display the decimal facility code and badge

We will go through each step with the “Standard” 26 bit Wiegand badge as an example:
Determine the number of bits in the data stream and the raw data coming from the reader/badge.

Place the Wedge into “Badge Peeler” mode by entering \PH and \QH into the programming

This will cause the wedge to generate an output that displays the number of bits and the badge
data in raw hexadecimal format.

Lets say our 26 bit badge yielded the output “ 26=000002F62712” from the badge peeler
mode. We now know it is 26 bits (the numbers before “=”) and we have the raw binary data in
hexadecimal form.

We will use the worksheet provided at the end of this document to work out the bit positions and
conversion information. The worksheet can be printed and used with pen and pencil for
calculating the programming strings.

Reset the programming parameters back to factory defalts using the reset jumper block before