Wdg-5912 programming - the programming interface – Controlled Products Systems Group WDG-5912 User Manual
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Cypress Computer Systems, Inc. 2/1/10
WDG-5912 Programming Instructions Version 1.0.2
Page 4
Basic Command Structure:
All commands start with a Backslash “\” and are upper case only
\P - Load Simulator Template
\P@ = defaults
\PH = Badge Peeler {hexadecimal output}
\Q - Load Reader Template
\Q@ = defaults
\QH = Badge Peeler {No Processing of Formats}
\R - Show Reader Parameters
\S - Show Simulator Parameters
\L - Burn specified NVRAM locations
\P [template code]
\P@ - load default Simulator Parameters
\PA - load profile A
\PZ - load profile Z
\Q [template code]
\Q@ - load default Reader Parameters
\QA - load profile A
\QZ - load profile Z
\L [number of bytes to burn] [Starting address] [Hex codes...]
\L01075FF - programs $FF into location $075
\L060C508FF08200100 - programs 6 bytes starting at location $0C5: 08 FF 08 20 01 00
When youʼve typed the nth byte, youʼll get the “>>” prompt.
WDG-5912 Programming - The Programming Interface