Controlled Products Systems Group 030207 User Manual
Controlled Products Systems Group Hardware

Programming Transmitter and LCR Receiver (model 433DSR2LC):
Operating frequency 433.92 MHz.
Receiver can store up to 42 unique transmitter dipswitch code settings.
P1 Button
P2 Button
Transmitter Setup:
(It is recommended that the dipswitch code be changed from the default factory setting)
Open the battery compartment door and locate the dipswitches.
Change the dipswitches to the settings you prefer, record for future reference in the table below.
Transmitter Left Button to Receiver Programming:
(standard Open/Stop/Close function)
1. Press and hold the left transmitter button down. Red light on transmitter should be on.
2. On the receiver, push the P1 push-button until the green LD light comes on.
3. Release both buttons. Transmitter left button to receiver programming is complete.
Transmitter Right Button to Receiver Programming:
(Hold-Gate-Open) (
Only if auto close timer is enabled
1. The 2-channel receiver allows for programming the P2 relay from momentary mode (default) to latching mode.
Transmitter right button can be programmed to hold gate open, over-riding the auto-close feature if activated.
2. Press and hold the right transmitter button down. Red light on transmitter should be on.
3. Press the P2 push-button until the green LD light comes on.
4. Release both buttons. Transmitter right button to receiver programming is complete.
Receiver Programming: Relay P2 programming from momentary to latching mode
(to hold gate open)
1. Press the P2 push-button until the green LD light comes on, then release. Green LD light should be steady.
2. While the green LD light is on, push the P1 push-button down and release. Green LD light should be flashing.
Latching mode is set.
Verifying Receiver P2 relay is programmed to latching mode:
1. Press the P2 push-button until the green LD light comes on, then release.
2. Green LD light should be flashing. If green LD light is steady, redo the Receiver Programming section above.
Resetting receiver P2 relay to momentary mode:
1. Press the P2 push-button until the green LD light comes on, then release. Green LD light should be flashing.
2. While the LD light is flashing, push the P1 push-button down and release. Green LD light should be steady.
Momentary mode is set.
T h e t r an s mi t t e r s p ro v id e d w it h y o u r U S Au to ma t i c o p er a t o r co n t ai n 2 b u tto n s . D e s ig n a te o n e
o r al l b u tto n s fo r g a t e o p er a t io n , i f d e s i r ed . T h e ad d it io n a l b u tt o n ma y b e p ro g r a m me d to
o th e r d ev i ce s s u ch a s a g a r ag e d o o r i f f r eq u e n cy i s co mp a t i b l e. If f r eq u e n cy i s n o t
c o mp a t i b l e w i t h ex i st i n g p r o d u c t , p l e a s e v i s i t