CognitiveTPG A799 User Manual
Page 76
Chapter 4: Programming Commands
Revision D 12/09
Logo print with knife cut
GS 0x9B m n
Hexadecimal 1D 9B m n
29 155 m n
Values of m:
0 = Standard size
1 = Double wide
2 = Double high
3 = Double high/wide
Value of n:
01 - FF (Hex)
# dot rows = n x 24
n = 5 is the recommended setting
Because the printhead and cutting knife are physically separated, it is necessary to advance the printed area of a receipt
past the knife to avoid the last of the printing from being cut off. This advance of paper however, causes a blank space at
the start of the next receipt that could be used. To utilize this space and reduce paper usage, this command starts to print
a logo for the next receipt before initiating the cut at the end of the current receipt. At a set location during the printing of
the logo, the corresponding paper advance is stopped and a paper cut performed.
The formula “n x 24” is used to determine the number of dot rows to move the paper from the start of the logo to the
position of the cut.
If n x 24 is greater than the height of the logo, the logo height is used to determine the cut position. If n = 0 the cut is
In order for this command to function properly, all commands used by legacy applications to move the end of the current
receipt past the knife should be removed.
The command is available only in A799 native mode.
Related information
See “Print downloaded bit image” command.
Set temporary max target speed
GS 0xA0 nl nh
Hexadecimal 1D A0 nl nh
15H - B4H monochrome
15H - 64H color
0 - normal speed
This command sets a specific speed for an operation, allowing the user more control of the print environment. The speed is
maintained as long as it is less than the speed automatically set by power management. A parameter of zero (0) restores the
normal max speed.