ADTRAN 6530 User Manual

Page 9

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Cross-Connect Map
The purpose of the cross-connect map is to allocate
the time slots (TS0s) from the SHDSL loop to user
ports (E1, V.35/X.21) and configure framing. The
cross-connect maps can be accessed via the VT100
terminal screens. Select “1,” Provisioning, from the
Main Menu. Choose to provision the local unit
(Selection 1) or the remote unit (Selection 2). Next,
select “1,” Unit Options, and then “3,” Cross Connect
. The cross-connect map is shown in Figure 6.

The cross-connect map is split down the middle in two
sections. The left section of the map lists the SHDSL
time slots and right section of the map lists the G.703
time slots. The user builds a new pending map before
making it active with the apply key. The options
listed at the bottom of the screen allow the user to
setup and manipulate the time slots. The statement
under the list of commands indicates the framing
status. Time slot configuration options are defined as

0. Idle
If a time slot is set for idle, an idle code is inserted.
The pattern will always be FF hex (all 1s) toward the
SHDSL network.

The idle pattern out the G.703 interface is
programmable under the G.703 option. The default is
value FF hex (all 1’s).

1. - 31. G.703 Service
The selected time slot will carry G.703 service (Refer
to the Full G.703 Services subsection for more

32. G.704 Framing
This option enables three different framing
configurations. Framing is always set in the first time
slot (TS0). The framing will be locally generated if
32 is entered in the G.703 TS0 slot only. If 32 is
entered in the G.703 TS0 and the SHDSL TS0, then
the framing will be passed transparently between the
G.703 and SHDSL ports. If values other than 32 are
assigned to both the SHDSL TS0 slot and G.703 TS0
slot then the operation is G.703 unframed (if other
G.703 service values are assigned to the G.703 time

33. Nx64K Service
The selected time slot will carry Nx64K service. The
value assignment is only valid for the SHDSL time

A. Apply New Map
This command saves and activates any changes made
by the user.

U. Undo New Map
This command will undo any changes made by the
user since the last saved configuration. The new
pending map will revert to the currently active time
slot assignments.

Circuit ID: 01-Jan-00 22:03:22
Unit Mode: NT Provisioning Type: Local

Cross-Connect Map
SHDSL Timeslots G.703 Timeslots
TS0 = 32 TS12 = 1 TS24 = 1 TS0 = 32 TS12 = 1 TS24 = 1
TS1 = 1 TS13 = 1 TS25 = 1 TS1 = 1 TS13 = 1 TS25 = 1
TS2 = 1 TS14 = 1 TS26 = 1 TS2 = 1 TS14 = 1 TS26 = 1
TS3 = 1 TS15 = 1 TS27 = 1 TS3 = 1 TS15 = 1 TS27 = 1
TS4 = 1 TS16 = 1 TS28 = 1 TS4 = 1 TS16 = 1 TS28 = 1
TS5 = 1 TS17 = 1 TS29 = 1 TS5 = 1 TS17 = 1 TS29 = 1
TS6 = 1 TS18 = 1 TS30 = 1 TS6 = 1 TS18 = 1 TS30 = 1
TS7 = 1 TS19 = 1 TS31 = 1 TS7 = 1 TS19 = 1 TS31 = 1
TS8 = 1 TS20 = 1 TS32 = N/A TS8 = 1 TS20 = 1
TS9 = 1 TS21 = 1 TS33 = N/A TS9 = 1 TS21 = 1
TS10 = 1 TS22 = 1 TS34 = N/A TS10 = 1 TS22 = 1
TS11 = 1 TS23 = 1 TS35 = N/A TS11 = 1 TS23 = 1
Timeslot Assignments Commands
0. Idle A. Apply New Map G. Full G.703 Service
1.-31. G.703 Service 1-31 U. Undo New Map N. Full Nx64K Service
32. G.704 Frame Tab. Select SHDSL or G.703 Timeslots
33. Nx64K Service Arrow Keys. Move Cursor
G.704 Framing = LT Delivered

Figure 6. Cross-Connect Map