Cashco 123 User Manual

Page 3

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SYSTEM UN DER PRES SURE. Prior to performing
any maintenance, isolate the reg u la tor from the sys-
tem and relieve all pressure. Failure to do so could
result in per son al injury.

A. General:

1. Maintenance procedures hereinafter are

based upon removal of the regulator unit from
the pipe line where installed.

2. Owner should refer to owner's procedures for

re mov al, handling, cleaning and disposal of
non reuseable parts, i.e. gaskets, etc.

3. Refer to Figure 1 for basic regulator, Figure

2 for cryogenic regulator, and Figure 3 for
blow-up of the com po si tion seat trim.

B. Diaphragm Replacement:


ing spring chamber, relieve spring compression
by removing the ad just ing screw. Failure to do so
may result in fl ying parts that could cause personal

1. Securely install the body (1) in a vise with the

spring chamber (2) directed upwards.

2. Rotate the adjusting screw (17) CCW until

re moved from the spring cham ber (2).

3. Draw or em bed a match mark on the body (1)

and spring chamber (2) fl anges.

4. Remove


fl ange nuts (8) and bolts


5. Remove spring chamber (2), range spring

(18) and spring button (19).



6. Remove diaphragm sub-assembly con sist ing

of the diaphragm(s) (3), pressure plate (2),
lock washer (13), piston (14), piston nut (6)
and pusher plate gasket (5). NOTE: Refer to
the quantity of di a phragms (12) in cor po rated
per the bill of ma te ri als listing. De pend ing
on inlet pressure level, mul tiple metal dia-
phragms may be “stacked”

7. Loosen the piston nut (6) and separate all

parts (3, 5, 13, 14 & 20) of the diaphragm
sub-assembly. Clean the pusher plate gasket
(5) sur face if the piston (14) is to be reused.

8. Inspect pressure plate (20) for de for ma tion

due to over-pressurization. If de formed, re-

9. Remove diaphragm gasket (4) for metal di a-

phragm. NOTE: No diaphragm gasket (4) for
com po si tion dia phragm.

10. Clean body (1) and diaphragm fl ange. NOTE:

On reg u la tors originally supplied as “spe cial
cleaned”, Option-5, -36 or -55, main te nance
must in clude a level of clean li ness equal to
Cash co’s cleaning standard #S-1134. Con-
tact fac to ry for details.

11. For metal dia phragms (3), place the di a -

phragm gas ket (4) on the body (1) fl ange.
A light coat of gasket sealant is rec om -
mend ed.

12. Re

as sem ble di a phragm sub-as sem bly by

plac ing pis ton (14) in a vise, post upwards,
grasping on the hexagonal surface. Place
the pusher plate gasket (5), diaphragm(s)
(3), pressure plate (20) and lock washer (13)
over the threaded post. Ensure that the pres-
sure plate (20) is placed with curved outer rim
down next to the dia phragm (3) surface. Place
a thread seal ant com pound on the threads
of the piston (14) post prior to tight en ing the
piston nut (6) to the following torque values:

Do not walk away and leave a bypassed reg u la tor
un at tend ed.



2. If the reg u la tor and system are both to be shut -

down, slowly close the inlet (upstream) block
valve. Close the outlet (downstream) valve only
if regu la tor re moval is required.


1. On systems with a bypass valve, and where sys-

tem pres sure is to be maintained as the regu la tor
is shut down, slowly open the bypass valve while
closing the inlet (upstream) block valve. Fully
close the inlet (up stream) block valve. (When on
bypass, the system pressure must be con stant ly
observed and manually reg u lat ed. Close the out-
let (down stream) block valve.