Cashco SA4 User Manual
Page 5

E. Reassembly of the ITA:
1. Installation of dynamic side seal (27) (See
Figure 1):
a. Type
1. Stretch o-ring energizer/seal (27.2)
over low er cir cum fer ence of piston-
guide bear ing (13), tak ing care not to
“cut” o-ring energizer/seal (27.2). Us-
ing thumbs, work the o-ring en er giz er/
seal into the groove of the piston-guide
bear ing.
NOTE: Use NO lubricants!
2. Position cap seal (27.1) ring with
rect an gu lar cross-section at end of
pis ton-guide bearing (13). Stretch
cap seal (27.1) over lower end of
piston-guide bear ing us ing thumbs
to work the cap seal onto the piston-
guide bearing. DO NOT USE A TOOL
FOR THIS STEP. Con tin ue pressing
cap seal (27.1) up wards towards the
groove until the cap seal “snaps” into
the groove of the piston-guide bear-
3. Insert shim (16) into cage (19) and
al low to rest inside the cage (19).
4. Position piston-guide bearing (13)
over and into upper end of cage (19)
until the cap seal (27.1) edge touch es
the upper lip of the cage. While gently
applying force to press the piston-
guide bearing (13) into the cage (19),
simultaneously use fi n gers to lightly
press the cap seal (27.1) in wards into
the groove of the piston-guide bearing
un til the cap seal (27.1) “slips into”
the cage (19). DO NOT use tools or
lu bri cant to en gage the cap seal (27.1)
into the cage (19). DO NOT press
down ward on pis ton-guide bearing
(13) too hard or fast - the cap seal
(27.1) may slide out of its groove and
become dam aged.
b. Type
1. Position u-cup seal (27.3) over low er
circumference of piston-guide bear ing
(13). Ensure the u-cup seal (27.3) is
oriented with the center-open-down-
wards as shown in Fig ure 1, as the
u-cup seal (27.3) de pends upon the
P1-Inlet pressure to activate prop er
seal ing ac tion.
2. Insert shim (16) into cage (19) and
al low to rest inside the cage (19).
3. Position piston-guide bearing (13)
over and into upper end of cage (19)
until the cap seal (27.1) edge touch es
the upper lip of the cage. Gently apply
downward force to press the pis ton-
guide bearing (13) into the cage (19).
DO NOT use tools, lu bri cant, or heavy
force to en gage the u-cup seal (27.3)
into the cage (19).
2. Place properly oriented seat ring (21) onto its
shoul der at the lower end of cage (19).
3. Completion of ITA Reassembly.
a. Insert valve plug (20) upwards through
lower end of cage (19) and through the
center hole of shim (16).
b. Engage valve plug (20) with piston-guide
bearing (13) threads and fi nger tighten.
c. Place ITA into a vise with smooth jaws
and grasp at hub "fl ats" location on the
valve plug (20) that is not in the “spindle”
zone. (See Figure 2.)
d. Using a special double-posted spanner
wrench fi tting (to order see NOTE in
Section IX, Parts Ordering In for ma tion),
tighten the piston-guide bear ing (13) to
the valve plug (20) with 30 - 50 ft-lbs
(41-69 Nm). Do NOT allow valve plug
(20) to rotate against seat ring (21) during
tight en ing.
e. This completes ITA reassembly.
F. Main Regulator Reassembly:
1. Insert the return spring (22) into the body (23).
2. Fit cage O-ring seal (15) into the body (23)
3. With the ITA held manually in the closed po si-
tion, insert ITA and cage (19) into body (23).
4. Properly align all three cage bolt (18) holes as
there is only one proper alignment possible.
Ap ply a down ward force to the top of the
cage (19) until the ITA is lowered suf fi cient ly
to engage the cage bolts (18) with washers
(17) into the body (23). Engage all of the
cage bolts (18), then tighten the cage bolts
in al ter nat ing one-half rev o lu tion in cre ments
to pull down the ITA evenly. ENSURE THE
IS SLID INTO THE BODY. Tight en the cage
bolts (18) to a torque value of 13-15 Ft-lbs
(17.5-20.5 Nm).