Cashco PBE Pressure Build Economizer User Manual

Page 3

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A. General:

1. Maintenance procedures hereinafter are

based upon re mov al of the regulator unit from
the pipeline where in stalled.

2. Owner should refer to owner's procedures for

removal, handling, cleaning and disposal of
non reuseable parts, i.e. gaskets, etc.

3. Refer to Figure 1 for view of basic unit and

item number listing of parts.

B. Diaphragm Replacement:

1. Secure body cap (16) in a vise with the spring

chamber (2) oriented upwards.



6. Using the "fl ats" on the plug (14) secure the

plug in a soft jawed vice. Rotate pressure
plate nut (7) CCW to loosen and remove
nut, lock washer (8), pressure plate (10),
diaphragm(s) (11) and gasket (13). (If a com-
position di a phragm is used there is no gasket


SYSTEM UN DER PRES SURE. Prior to performing any
maintenance, isolate the reg u la tor from the system and
relieve all pres sure. Failure to do so could result in per-
sonal injury.


SPRING UNDER COMPRESSION. Prior to re mov ing the
spring chamber, relieve spring com pres sion by back ing
out the adjusting screw. Fail ure to so so may result in
fl ying parts that could cause personal injury.


To prevent damage to body cap, use soft jaws when se-
curng the body in a vise.

2. Relax range spring (6) by turning adjusting

screw (3) CCW until removed from spring
cham ber (2).

3. Loosen spring chamber (2) by placing wrench

on “fl ats” and rotating CCW.

4. Remove spring chamber, spring button (5),

range spring (6) and diaphragm stop (9).

5. Remove the diaphragm subassembly con-

sist ing of the pressure plate nut (7), lock
wash er (8), pres sure plate (10), diaphragm
(s) (11), gasket (13) and plug (14). NOTE
the quan tity of dia phragms (11) in cor po rated
in the assembly. De pend ing on outlet pres-
sure level, multiple metal diaph ragms may be

Diaphragm Sub as sem bly

7. Inspect pressure plate (10) to ensure no

de for ma tion due to over-pressurization. If
de formed, replace.

8. Remove diaphragm gasket (12).

9. Clean body (1) diaphragm fl ange surface. Do

not scratch diaphragm gasket seating sur face.
NOTE: Regulators origi nally sup plied as
“oxygen clean”, main tenance must in clude a
level of clean li ness equal to Cash co's clean ing
stan dard #S-1134.
Con tact fac to ry for details.

10. Reassemble diaphragm subassembly by

plac ing gasket (13), diaphragm(s)(11), pres-
sure plate (10) and lock washer (8) over the
threaded post. Assure the pressure plate is
placed with curved outer rim down next to the
diaphragm (11) surface. Place a thread seal-
ant compound on the threads of the plug post
(14) prior to tightening the pusher plate nut (7)
to the fol low ing values:



In-lbs (N-m)





15 (1.7)

11. Place dia phragm gas ket (12) into body (1)

re cess. Place di a phragm sub as sem bly on
top of gasket, nut side up.

12. Place diaphragm stop (9) and range

spring (6) over the pres sure plate nut
(7) of the di

a phragm sub

as sem bly.

13. Apply Christolube or equivalent into de pres-

sion of spring button (5) where ad just ing
screw (3) makes contact. Set spring but ton on
top of range spring (6); en sure spring button
is laying fl at on top of spring.