Cashco P2 User Manual
Page 4

C. Trim Replacement:
1. Remove spring chamber subassembly and
diaphragm subassembly per Section VI,
Steps B.1.–B.4.
2. Remove seat retainer (13) by turning CCW.
3. Remove poppet (8) and poppet spring (9).
4. Clean debris from within the body (1) cav-
ity. Clean all parts to be reused according
to own er's pro ce dures. NOTE: On reg u la-
tors origi nally sup plied as “oxygen clean”,
Option-M, main tenance must in clude a level
of clean li ness equal to Cash co's clean ing
stan dard #S-1134. Contact factory for de tails.
5. Inspect all parts for damage and replace if
necessary. NOTE: Use only parts man u fac-
tured and supplied by Cashco, Inc. for these
products. See Section VIII.
6. Place poppet spring (9) into body (1) cavity.
7. Place poppet (8) inside the poppet spring (9).
The angled seating surface of the poppet (8)
must face up toward the seat (12).
8. Install new seat retainer (13) with seat (12)
into body (1) cav i ty with the seat facing down-
ward toward the angled seat ing surface of the
pop pet (8). Tighten seat re tain er (13) to the
following torque val ue: 12 – 15 Ft-lbs (16 – 20
9. Reinstall diaphragm subassembly and spring
chamber subassembly per Section VI, Steps
B.9. – B.10.
10. Bench test unit for suitable operation. NOTE:
Regulators are not tight shutoff devices.
Even if pressure builds up beyond set point,
a reg u la tor may or may not develop bubble
tight shutoff.
11. Pressurize with air and spray liquid leak de-
tec tor around body (1) and spring cham ber
(6) to test for leakage. En sure that an outlet
pressure is main tained during this leak test
of at least mid-range spring level; i.e. 2-100
psig (.14-6.9 Barg) range spring, 51 psig
(3.5 Barg) test pres sure minimum.
11. Pressurize with air and spray liquid leak de-
tec tor around body (1) and spring chamber
(6) to test for leakage. En sure that an outlet
pres sure is main tained during this leak test
of at least mid-range spring level; i.e. 2-100
psig (.14-6.9 Barg) range spring, 51 psig
(3.5 Barg) test pres sure min i mum.