Cashco P3 User Manual
Page 3

To prevent damage to body, use soft jaws when
placing body in a vise.
mov ing spring chambers, relieve range spring
com pres sion by turn ing 2nd stage knob (4)
CCW until ro ta tion comes to a com plete stop.
Fail ure to so so may result in fl ying parts that
could cause personal injury.
A. General:
1. Maintenance procedures hereinafter are
based upon re mov al of the regulator unit from
the pipeline where in stalled.
2. Owner should refer to owner's procedures for
removal, handling, cleaning and disposal of
non reuseable parts, i.e. gaskets, etc.
3. Refer to Figure 2 for basic reg u la tor and Fig-
ure 1 for the diaphragm sub as sem bly.
B. 2nd Stage Diaphragm Replacement:
1. Securely install the body (1) in a vise with
knob (4) directed upwards.
2. Relax 2nd stage range spring (15) by turn-
ing knob (4) CCW until rotation comes to a
com plete stop. NOTE: It is not necessary
to remove knob (4) before re mov ing spring
cham ber (6) from the body (1).
3. Remove the spring chamber (6) by grasp ing
the fl ats and turning CCW. NOTE: Upon
re mov al, the range spring (15), range spring
clip (16), and spring button (5) should re main
inside the spring cham ber.
4. Remove 2nd stage diaphragm subassembly
(7) con sist ing of the actuator nut (7.3), di a-
phragm (7.1), ac tu a tor post (7.2), actuator
gasket (7.4), actuator o-ring (7.5). Remove
di a phragm gas ket (10).
C. 1st Stage Diaphragm Replacement:
1. Invert the body and securely install in a vise
with acron nut (4) directed upwards.
2. Rotate nut CCW and remove. Measure the
height of the exposed adjusting screw and
record that value here. ___________.
3. Relax 1st stage range spring (15) by turn-
ing adjusting screw (2) CCW until spring
compression is released. NOTE: It is not
necessary to remove adjusting screw before
re mov ing the spring cham ber (6) from the
body (1).
4. Remove the spring chamber (6) by grasp ing
the fl ats and turning CCW. NOTE: Upon
re mov al, the range spring (15), range spring
clip (16), and spring button (5) should re main
inside the spring cham ber.
5. Remove 1st stage diaphragm subassembly
(7) con sist ing of the actuator nut (7.3), di a-
phragm (7.1), ac tu a tor post (7.2), actuator
gasket (7.4), actuator o-ring (7.5). Remove
di a phragm gas ket (10).
NOTE: The following Steps 6 thru 9 apply to
both the fi rst and second stage diaphragm
sub as sem blies (7).
6. Remove actuator nut (7.3) and separate all
parts of the diaphragm subassembly (7,).
7. Clean body (1) diaphragm fl ange surfaces
and all re us able parts according to owner's
procedures. Do not scratch di a phragm
gas ket seat ing sur face. NOTE: On reg u-
la tors origi nally sup plied as “oxygen clean”,
Option-M, main tenance must in clude a level
of clean li ness equal to Cash co clean ing stan-
dard #S-1134. Contact factory for details.
Figure 1: Diaphragm Subassembly
SYSTEM UN DER PRES SURE. Prior to per form ing
any maintenance, isolate the reg u la tor from the
sys tem and relieve all pres sure. Failure to do so
could result in personal injury.