Gardner Bender B2555 Series Electric Sidewinder Bender User Manual

Page 7

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COULD result in minor personal injury or property damage.

FOR 1-1/2" AND 2" EMT & IMC

1. See pages 5 and 6 for mounting shoes and support units. Be

sure to match the appropriate shoe with its corresponding

support unit.

NOTE: The outside roller on the 1 1/2” thru 2” IMC support unit is

steel. See Figure 10. The outside roller on the 1 1/2” thru 2” EMT

support unit is urethane. See Figure 11.

2. Mark the conduit to the desired length. Note that a 2” minimum

dimension is required to eliminate flattening the end of the

conduit. See Figure 12.

NOTE: “Stub-up”and “Offset” dimensions can be found on the

bending charts on pages 8 thru 10 of this manual or on the

bending instruction decal located on the top of each bender.

3. Rotate the bending shoe 5 to 10 degrees below the degree

setting. See Figure 8b.

4. After marking the conduit, place it into the bender. The conduit

should slide over the support rollers and through the shoe

groove and into the hook. The bending mark should be at the

front (OUTSIDE) edge of the hook. See Figure 12.

NOTE: The appropriate size and type of support unit MUST be

used with the corresponding shoe size and type.

5. Step on the “Engaging Pedal” which will raise the rollers to

come in contact with the conduit. See Figure 13. Be sure the

correct rollers for the size conduit being bent are in position to

engage the conduit.


Figure 12








Figure 9

Rollers shown in raised

(bending) position

6. Keep foot pressure on the engaging pedal and push the

Bend/Unload switch to the Bend position. Then press the Jog

button. The conduit will pull the support rollers against the

stop. Foot pressure can then be removed from the engaging

pedal. Be sure to check the alignment of the bending mark as

the rotating shoe locks the conduit into position.

Advance the bender shoe to the desired degree of bend. When

the pointer on the shoe reaches the desired degree of bend,

release the Jog button and the bender will stop.

NOTE: Due to springback in pipe/conduit, some overbending is

necessary to achieve the desired degree of bend. See page 9 or

the bending instructions decal located on the top of each bender

for approximate springback compensation figures.

NOTE: Do NOT allow the rollers to come in contact with the

bending shoe. The shoe and rollers squeeze the conduit but they

should never touch each other.

7. To release the conduit, place the Bend/Unload switch in the

Unload position. Press the Jog button and reverse the shoe.

The support rollers will then drop, allowing removal of the


WARNING: The pipe/conduit should be under control when

unloading. Failure to do this may result in injury or death.

8. After removal of the conduit, inspect it for wrinkling or

excessive side marks. If these conditions occur, refer to the

Squeeze Adjustment Procedure (Section 14).

COULD result in minor personal injury or property damage.


FOR 1-1/2" AND 2" EMT & IMC

The B2555 bender has a Squeeze Adjustment feature if wrinkling

or side marking becomes a problem during the bending process.

This feature allows you to increase or decrease the amount

of pressure applied to the conduit during bending, thereby

eliminating these problems. Begin with the 1/2" starting location

of the adjusting bolts as shown in Figure 14.

1. If wrinkling occurs, pressure against the conduit during the

bending process must increase. To increase the squeeze

(pressure), loosen both set screws and turn both adjusting

bolts one-half turn clockwise. Tighten both set screws and

bend one piece of conduit to test the adjustment. If wrinkling

still occurs, repeat the procedure.

NOTE: Both adjusting bolts MUST be in contact with the bender

frame. See Figure 15 on page 8.

Figure 10

Figure 11

